HI THERE I’m Nabendu Manna

  • 2+ Experience
  • 10+ Projects
  • 5 Happy Clients

About Me

Diligent software engineer with 2+ years experience in commercial application development. to build innovative and cutting edge business solutions for the impressive suite of clients within its global reach.

Core Skills

  • MongoDB
  • Express JS
  • Angular
  • Node JS
  • Django
  • Ionic
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • PHP

Other Skills

  • API
  • Web App
  • Mobile App
  • Responsive Web Design
  • RXJS
  • Redux
  • NgRx
  • NgXs

Work Experience

2021 Nov. - Present

e-Celtic Consulting Services Pvt Ltd

Full Stack developer

Heavy focus on full stack engineering with modules on Mobile app, front and back end processes. Maintained maximum uninterrupted flow of business.

  • Engineered modern applications with Django, Angular, ionic .
  • Built innovative Chat Boat (AI)
  • Built large Web Services (incl. SOA/SOAP/REST/XML).
  • Built amazing App using Ionic Framework.
  • Efficiently deployed and integrated software engineered by team and updated integration/deployment scripts to improve continuous integration practices.
2020 Dec. - 2021 Nov.


Web developer

Worked closely with senior developer and management team to develop, document, and managing website using Django, Angular, JavaScript, Laravel.

  • Built and Design innovative Website
  • Integrate API Services
  • Built small API Services
  • Integrate various Payment Getaway

2020 Nov. - 2021 Jan.


Web Development Intern

Learning back-end technology with seniors.

  • Built Website (back end)
  • Integrate Mail and SMS services
2019 Jan. - 2020 Nov.

Final Year Projects

Ecommerce Website

Learning back-end technology with collage seniors and teacher.

  • Data base design
  • Team work

Latest works

gibl.in (Nov 2021 - Now)

Web application design and developed using Angular. Automated build and deployment (CI/CD).

My roles and responsibilities
  • Senior Full-stack developer.
  • Database design and fragmentation.
  • Improve performance and speed.
Team members:
  • Senior Full-stack Developer (1)
  • Senior Back-end Developer (2)
  • Junior Front-end Developer (1)
  • Junior Back-end Developer (3)
  • Junior ui/ux designer (1)
  • QA tester/Product Manager (1)
  • Devops Engineer (1)

Tools and Technologies - Angular, Django, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins


GIBL Partner App (Jan 2022 - Now)

Android application design and developed using Ionic Angular.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Senior Full-stack developer.
  • Design system architecture.
  • Build and deployment.
  • Improve performance and speed.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (1)
  • Back-end Developer (1)
  • Junior ui/ux designer (1)
  • QA tester (1)

Tools and Technologies - Ionic, Django, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, Capacitor


Investment (Aug 2022 - Nov 2022)

Web application design and developed using Angular.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Senior Full-stack developer (Back-end + Front-end).
  • Design system architecture.
  • Build and deployment.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (1)
  • QA tester (1)

Tools and Technologies - Angular, Rxjs, Django, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins


Fire Insurance (Nov 2022 - Feb 2023)

Web application design and developed using Angular.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Senior Full-stack developer (Back-end + Front-end).
  • Design system architecture.
  • Build and deployment.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (1)
  • QA tester (1)

Tools and Technologies - Angular, Rxjs, Django, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins


GIBL CRM APIs (Jan 2022 - 2023)

Rest APIs using Django (Python).

My roles and responsibilities
  • Back-end developer.
  • Develop APIs.
  • Build and deployment.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (1)
  • QA tester (1)

Tools and Technologies - Django, Django rest framework, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins

Nicebase (Aug 2021 - Oct 2021)

Rest APIs using Django (Python). And web application Using Angular.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Full-stack developer.
  • Develop APIs.
  • Build and deployment.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (2)

Tools and Technologies - Angular, Rxjs, Django, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins

Optomcare (May 2021 - Aug 2021)

Django rest APIs using Django (Python). And Angular web app.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Junior developer.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (2)

Tools and Technologies - Angular, Rxjs, Django, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins

Explomart (Jan 2021 - May 2021)

Web application design and developed using Angular and PHP.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Junior developer.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (2)

Tools and Technologies - Angular, Rxjs, php, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins


UpTodd (Oct 2020 - Dec 2020)

Web application using PHP and JS.

My roles and responsibilities
  • Junior developer.
Team members
  • Full-stack Developer (2)

Tools and Technologies - PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Git, CI/CD, Jenkins
